BACK TO SCHOOL! Advice & tips for the week PART 2
4. Choose the safe route
Choose the safest way possible. Consider risky spots like train tracks and busy intersections.
5. Know where to go
Identify safe houses along your child’s walking route. Point out homes of family friends where they can stop for help in case of trouble. Make sure these are people who know your child considers their home a safe place to go. And make sure to choose people who are home during the times your child will be walking by.
6. Discuss stranger danger
Make sure your child knows how to respond to strangers they might encounter on their route.
7. Go over phone numbers they need to know
If your child carries a phone, teach them how to dial for emergency help. Numbers to include on speed dial are the local emergency dispatch, your phone number, relatives and friends numbers, and anyone else who could help your child in an emergency if the need arises.
#backtoschool #kidssafetyfirst #safetytipsforkids
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